Black Sponsorship

Black Sponsorship

$ 1,000
In Stock

This sponsorship level includes:

  • Ad on the venue entrance projector screen
  • Your Logo on After Haunt Ball Merchandise
  • Your Logo included in After Haunt Ball online promotions
  • Your Logo included on After Haunt Ball posters
  • Your Logo included on After Haunt Ball fliers
  • Ability to place an item in our VIP bags (final count varies)
  • Your ad to play on venue wall screens
  • Your logo 12-inches included on our step-and-repeat photography backdrop 10 times
  • Your ad placed on the After Haunt Blog
  • Your ad played on the video array above the stage
  • Your ad played on the video array above the VIP area
  • Half price à la carte Items

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$ 1,000