Sponsor the After Haunt Ball

The After Haunt Ball in 2025 will be the first occurrence of the annual celebration of Eclipse Boutique’s anniversary. It will be held on the first Saturday in November starting November 1st, 2025. This celebration marks the five year anniversary of Eclipse, the largest goth shop in western New York. Our customer reach extends from Niagara Falls to Syracuse as far south as Corning. As traveling over two hours is difficult to do on a regular basis, we were looking for a way to celebrate our thousands of customers and followers as they celebrate their individuality and unique expression.

The After Haunt Ball is a macabre adult prom with a gothic theme and live bands. This year, we will have vendors at the entrance, a custom alcoholic beverage designed by Water Street Music Hall’s expert mixologist, and a free drink token for each VIP guest. VIP guests will be either one of our VIP customers, purchase a VIP upgrade, or will be a celebrity with a VIP invitation. VIPs will also have a viewing balcony, access behind the barricade, a VIP lounge, swag bags, and more.

For sponsorship packages, consider our reach beyond the up to 1000 attendees. Not only does this include nearly two years of active promotion and our broad western NY coverage, but also our social media following. We have over 8400 followers on facebook, 700+ on Instagram, and 21700+ on TikTok. Not to mention our thousands of customers in-store and special events like the sidewalk sale, art festival, and Brockport Music Festival.

Sponsor screens

À la carte Sponsorship Items

  • $2500 (2) Co-sponsor – Name appears after Eclipse on all promotions
  • $1200 (1) VIP Sponsor – Name appears with VIP marketing and signage including the VIP Lounge
  • $150 (6) Vendor Table – A table will be provided in the Dark Carnevil room

Sponsorship Packages

    Most popular! 

At the event, Immortalized in memories (and photos)
Logo on AHB MerchandiseXXXX
VIP Bag Item(s)XXX
Step and Repeat
Photography Backdrop
12” Logo
Repeated 10x
12” Logo
Repeated 5x

Online: Now – November 1, 2025
Ad placement on After Haunt blogXX

Online: Now – Forever*
Logo on AHB online promosXXXX
In Print at Eclipse: November 29, 2024 – November 1, 2025
Logo on AHB PostersXXXX
Logo on AHB FliersXXX

 At the event, Immortalized in memories (and photos)
 Ad on entrance projector screen
Logo on AHB Merchandise
 Logo on AHB online promos
In Print 
Logo on AHB Posters
 At the event, Immortalized in memories (and photos)
VIP Bag Item(s)
 In Print 
 Logo on AHB Fliers
  At the event, Immortalized in memories (and photos)
 Ad on six venue wall screens
12" Logo on step-and-repeat backdrop 5 times
Online until the Event
 Ad placement on After Haunt blog
 At the event, Immortalized in memories (and photos)
 12" Logo on step-and-repeat backdrop 10 times
 Ad on video array above stage
 Ad on VIP video array above floor
 Half price à la carte Items

* forever is as long as the website is online provided there is no catastrophic data loss

** "At the Event" sponsorship items are dependant on the event venue. If the venue changes, we reserve the right to provide a comparable replacement available at the new venue. There is no refund for a venue change.

Exclusive sponsorship options available for providers of transportation, Loding, hospitality, printing, and more.

Exclusive Sponsorship Options

There are considerable options to partner with us by providing services. This will include _______ provided by inclusions in our marketing, and any additional options we may discuss. This can be anything from exposure, to us selling your services with the tickets as an addon or a package deal. Just use the form below to reach out!


We are looking for a company that can transport artists and equipment from the airport to their lodging, from the lodging to the show, and back.


We will need someone to provide high quality accommodations for our artists. We will need 15-20 rooms altogether.


Artists have to eat! We need food for 20-30 individuals. Looking for someone with a great reputation and food that will not inhibit rocking out.

To get started, send us a message.

We’re here to help and answer any question you might have.

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